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Showing posts from April, 2018

Lintel 1, La Pasadita, Yaxchilan

              A1: 7 Ahaw A2: 13 Pop A3: u-chok-w(a) A4: a-ku-y(u) A5: ???? A6: chan-n(a) A7: palaw-n(a) B1: u-ba-j(e) B2: ti-ch'a-hom. B3: chum-u-un B5: ti-ch'e-t(a) B6: sajal C1: antler skull C2: yaxun balam D1: 3 katun ahaw D2: u kan D3: aj-u-ku D4: a-baa-k(o) D5: k'uh ahaw pet(?) D6: yaxchilan 7 Ahaw 13 Pop, u chok'aw a'kuy, ???? Chan Palawan. Ubaj ti'chahom chum, ti'chet Sajal Antler Skull, Yaxun Balam ox katun ahaw, u'kan, ajuk, abaak, k'uk ahaw pet(?) Yaxchilan. On 7 Ahaw 13 Pop, the Turtle's  blood was sprinkled, ????, Lord Palawan. This is an image for Ch'ahom, occuring before his enthronement; with a piece of wood is Salaj, Antler Skull and Yaxun Balam the 3 katun lord, his lord, he of the turtle, he of 20 prisoners, the divine lord of Yaxchilan

Piedras Negras

Exercise 9 from Michael Coe's book, Altar A from Piedras Negras. I'll jump straight into transliteration for simplicity's sake: AB: 7 Men 18 Kank'in, sih-yaj, Ruler 4, ch'ok. CD: 15 Kin, 6 Winal Chuwen, i-pas, 8.16.1 Haab, Ruler 4. EF: ti - 7 Ben, Ruler 4, ti-ajaw-joy-aj-le, Piedras Negras, u-ha'/witz, 7 Winal, 14 Chuwen. GH: 1-haab-wa, 4 ahaw, 13 Yax, u-15-haab, Yax tuun k'al, Ruler 4. IJ: Piedras Negras, 1 haab, 0 winal, 0 kin, chu'wen, ti- 2-ahaw, 0 Haab, tzutzil. KL: i-pas, u-tuun-k'al, 13 Chuwen, Ruler 4, u-16 haab, Piedras Negras. "On 7 Men 18 Kank'in was born the young Ruler 4. It was 15 Kin 6 Winal, and then dawned 8.16, the first year of Ruler 4. On 7 Ben, Ruler 4 ascended to the lordship of Piedras Negras, his terrain. It was 7 Winal 14 Chuwen, the first year of 4 ahaw, 13 Yax, on his 15th year, was set the the First Year "Tuun" of Ruler 4 of Piedras Negras. Thus ended the first year of 2 ahaw. And then...

Yaxchilan Lintel 25

This is actually funny. Yaxchilan lintel 25. I thought it was backwards, because the tzolk'in dates were at the end. So I ended up translating it backwards. Attached is my backerds image and proof of translation. Haha. Sorry, I didn't post this properly with a transliteration but when you see the photos you'll understand. A1: 4 Katun Lord A2: Itzanmaj Balam A3: the white serpent A4: Bakab of Yaxchilan B1:His image, arrived that year. C1: ???? D1: his flint and shield E1: he appeared, the k'awil. F1: 5 Imix, 4 Mak B2: her image, the lady ???. B3: female lineage founder(?) H1: Lady Xook I1: Blood Letter H2: Kabkohlet(?) H3: appeared the Serpent.

Another Yaxchilan Lintel

This one is kinda hard to see. I got it from the British Museum website. Someone suggested newbies  should focus on Yaxchilan, so here I go. A1: 7 Imix A2: 14 Sek B1: "war on" B2: ???(sek-nu-ju-k'a) C1: Ix-6 C2: ba-ahaw-chan C3:  Ix-ahaw-chan C4: Ix-ba-ka-b(a) D1: chu-ka-aj D2: Mol D3: u-ba-k(i) D4: Bird Jaguar D5: Yaxchilan In 7 Imix, 14 Sek, war was waged on White Nujk'a.  Lady 6, chief lord, female lord, female bakab. Mol Cham was captured by Bird Jaguar of Yaxchilan, himself.

Stela A, Copan: 1/3 Finished

West Side North Side  9 baktun, 14 katun 19 tun, 8 winal 0 kin, 12 ahau 7 Ib, ti-taj-ahau Sih, k'uk -kawil -il 15 Che'en-laj, 6 Men k'al-aj Ahaw K'an, ji-wa-chum(?) It'z-ch'ich-b'alon,18 hul-ohl K-awil-ti, tz'a-paj-iya-tun-ni Wa-aj-wa, ni Yax-ti-k(i), ?-ja-j(a) I really need to redo:   G, F, E/D, C, B, X and A.; 12 ahau, 7 Ib, was when he donned the headband of lordship, and was born Serpent K'ahwil. 15 Che'en passed and thus ended 6 Men. The Serpent Lord was seated, most holy 18 was when he as K'awhil planted the stone, raising up Green Tree Waters.  South Side 

Working on the Grolier Codex

?                [10]4 ? ? ? ? ? 10 K'an 5 K'an 13 K'an ? ? ? ? 13 Ahaw         [10]5 8 Ahaw ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?                      [8] ? ? ? 9 K'an 4 K'an 12 K'an 7 K'an 5 K'an ? ? ? ? 11 Eb         [11]8 6 Eb 1 Eb 9 Eb 4 Eb ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 13 Lamat   [10]4 8 Lamat 3 Lamat 11 Lamat 6 Lamat 1 Lamat 9 Lamat 4 Lamat ? ? ? ? ? 12 Etz'nab [10]12 7   Etz'nab 2   Etz'nab 10 Etz'nab 5   Etz'nab 13 Etz'nab 8   Etz'nab 3   Etz'nab 11 Etz'nab ? ? ? ? 2 Lamat     [8] 10 Lamat 5 Lamat 13 Lamat 8 Lamat 3 Lamat  11 Lamat 6 Lamat 1 Lamat 9 Lamat 4 Lamat 12 Lamat 7 Lamat _________ Missing ------------- Missing --------------- ...

Palenque Lintel, Making Progress

A1: calendar glyph B1: 9 baktun A2: 8 katun B2: 9 tun A3: 13 winal B3: 0 kin A4: 8 Ahau B4: 13 Mol A5: sih- la- j(a), ma-yu-chum, Pa-ka-al,ka-ajaw-kan B5: 8 kin, 9 winal, 12 tun, ?, ?. A6: kawil-ka-ja-l(a), ti-u-bah, K'inich- Janaab Pa-ka-al. B6: 3 kin, 3 winal, 1 tun, 2 katun, 1 ajaw. C1: ??, ch'ak-ka-b(a), baah, k'o,ku-l(u),sak-t(i) D1: ya-we-t(e), nu-l(e)-chan-n(a), sa-ahaw-chan C2: ya-ka-b(a)-ba-b(a), ka-k'ak, ajaw-pa-n(u) D2: pasaj, no-ajaw-aan, nun/wayis-balam, och-G1/al C3: ka-j(i), nu-balam, ahaw -chan -ha D3: u-ba-n(u), at-pet-ma-u-ch'ab, G1/-AL, ??? C4: chu-ka-aj, 7 chuwen, 4 Ch'en, na-ku D4: C5: D5: C6: D6: On, 8 Ahau, 13 Mol, was the birth but not the seating of Pakal Lord Serpeant. 8 kin, 9 winal, 12 tun, ?, ?, Kawil was set, on his image, K'inich Janaab Pakal(Solar Flower Shield Lord).  3 kin, 3 winal, 1 tun, 2 katun, 1 ajaw; self-sacrificed himself, divine white tree lord, heavenly underlord. Standing O...

Short Translation: Artist's Signature

A1: yu-xu A2: a-n(a)-bi-h(i) A3 ya-ka-b(i) A4: Yaxchilan His carving,  Anbih, he made it, Yaxchilan. 

Another Excercise

A1: 8 Ahaw A2: 13 Muwan A3: k'al A4: 14 katun B1:?? B2:?? B3: ja-sa-ajaw B4: chan k'awil C1: Tikal C2: ?? C3: 3 katun C4: Kaloomte 8 Ahaw  13 Muwan, ended the 14th katun. ???? ???? Jasa Ahaw Chan Kawil Tikal ???? 3 katun lord Kaloomte

Figure VI.8 Element, Tikal Altar 8

A1: u-ba-h(i) B1: ko - to - tz'o -bi-b(i) A2: wi - winik- B2: 7 - kin -kawak C: xa-  lakam - tik'al  -  cho-  lakam-bi-wa His own image, Folding Cloud, the man, 7th day of Kawak. Again, Tikal is great, the greatest.  Aldxandre Tokovinine, on the facebook Mayanists Group, generously provided the following transliteration: u-BAAH-hi wi-la-ni CHAK-TOK-WAY-bi 7-tzu-ku.