Exercise 9 from Michael Coe's book, Altar A from Piedras Negras. I'll jump straight into transliteration for simplicity's sake:
AB: 7 Men 18 Kank'in, sih-yaj, Ruler 4, ch'ok.
CD: 15 Kin, 6 Winal Chuwen, i-pas, 8.16.1 Haab, Ruler 4.
EF: ti - 7 Ben, Ruler 4, ti-ajaw-joy-aj-le, Piedras Negras, u-ha'/witz, 7 Winal, 14 Chuwen.
GH: 1-haab-wa, 4 ahaw, 13 Yax, u-15-haab, Yax tuun k'al, Ruler 4.
IJ: Piedras Negras, 1 haab, 0 winal, 0 kin, chu'wen, ti- 2-ahaw, 0 Haab, tzutzil.
KL: i-pas, u-tuun-k'al, 13 Chuwen, Ruler 4, u-16 haab, Piedras Negras.
"On 7 Men 18 Kank'in was born the young Ruler 4. It was 15 Kin 6 Winal, and then dawned 8.16, the first year of Ruler 4. On 7 Ben, Ruler 4 ascended to the lordship of Piedras Negras, his terrain.
It was 7 Winal 14 Chuwen, the first year of 4 ahaw, 13 Yax, on his 15th year, was set the the First Year "Tuun" of Ruler 4 of Piedras Negras. Thus ended the first year of 2 ahaw. And then dawned his "tuun", 13 Chuwen, Ruler 4 of Piedras Negras, his 16th year."
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