A1:6 Ahaw
A2: 13 Muwan
A3: tzutz-yi
A4: u-14-katun
B1) tuun-n(i) -k'al
B2) yax-???
B3) ja-sa-aw
B4) chan-n(a)-k'awiil-l(a)
C1)Holy Lord of Tikal
C2) pat-winal-l(a)-k'inich
C3)3 katun lord
C4) kaloomte
Thus ended [the] 14th Katun on 6 Ahaw, 13 Muwan. [This is] Yax Jasaw Chan K'awiil [during the] stone binding [ceremony].
[He is] the Holy Lord of Tikal, the Sun-King that [presides] [during] the finishing of the month, [he's in his] 60s, war lord.
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