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Another Attempted Translation

Hi guys, here's another translation from the Linda Schele drawings. I lost track of which one it is:( How did I do?

One thing I can say is that I'm starting to recognize the suppmentary and lunar series, whereas I used to translate them as sentences, haha.  I'm still a white belt and have a long way to go before I reach black belt level(Barb MacLeod status).

A1B1: Counting of the Haab
A2: 9
B2: 16
A3: 1
B3: 0
A4: 0
B4: 11 Ahau

C1: G9+F
D1: ??
C2: 12 D
D2: 5C KoKaaj
C3: u-ch'ok k'aba, 29
D3: 8 Sek
C4: u- joy
D4: ti

E1: to-ajaw-le(l)
F1: yaxun-balam
E2: u-aj-ch'an, aj-u-tuun
F2: aj-1-baak-k(i)
E3: 3 katun Ajaw
F3: kaloomte
E4F4: Yaxchilan

G1: ya-al-l(a)-Ixik
H1: Ix-ik-cham
G2: chan-n(a)
H2: ix-aj-k'uh-na
G3: ix-ba-ka-b(a)
H3: u-bah, u-chit-t(a)
G4: chab-il, ch'a-jo-m(a)
H4: 5 katun Ajaw

I1: Itzmaanaj Balam
I2: u-chan, aj-saak-k(i)
I3: Yaxchilan
I4: Ba-ka-b(a)

Counting of the Haab:, 11 Ahau G9+F, ??, ot was the 12th day of this moon, 148 days,KoKaaj, "it's princely name", 29 moons, 8 Sek. His ascension in the kingship, Yaxuun Balam. He of the snake and his year. He who has captured 29 captives. He's in his 60's, War-Lord of Yaxchilan.

Born of the woman, Lady Wind Skull, Sky, she of the sacred books, Lady Bakab. He himself, impregnated her, he who lived past 100 years. That is Itzmaanaj Balam, he of the snake, he of the white, Yaxchilan Bakab. 

Addendum(12/13/2018): I finally got G1 and H1:)


  1. I think I can help you with glyph blocks D1 and D2.

    D1 appears to contain instances of Glyphs Z and Y, rare glyphs that appear only occasionally in the supplementary series. You can see that the top part of D1a seems to be a numeral 6, and I believe the current understanding was that Glyph Z kept track of a 7-day cycle with a numeral from 1 to 7 and an optional component read "b'i-xi-y(a)." D1b is eroded but certainly looks like the mysterious Glyph Y. According to Johnson, "Reading Maya Hieroglyphs", p. 94: "Glyph Y is not fully readable but appears to be related to the deity K'awil, possibly in one of his baby forms...".

    D2b (on the right, after Glyph C) is an instance of Glyph X. According to Grube's classification this would be the ninth variant, X-ix, though notation for the Glyph X variants is still not standardized. See

    Really neat drawing and inscription you're working with here! I'm also a white belt at this stuff so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I will be following this blog because you have some great reproductions here which make for fun translation exercises.


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