?? 5 Imix 18 K’an K’in chumwan tiahawlel(?) ?? ?? 4 k’in(?) ?? 12 katun 13 baktun 2 piktun ti ahaw wan ?? siaj Chaak Chi Pu Ahaw ??. 13 Ahaw 12 Xul u kab ?? ?? ?? iti max u tz’akaj.
7 Kawak 5 K’ayab pat tun yax ? nah, u 15 “moon” tz’ak bul Ahaw Pet u tz’ak bul Haab Sak Chuwen; u tz’akaj.
19 tun pat tun 5 Akbal 11 Sotz u kabij Aj Wasam 5 na otot ta tun. 7 k’in 10 winal Yax ? Nah max witz u cham Naab Tz’ak Ch’an ?? u kab 1 Ahaw K’uhul 6 Nal, kab Aj Wasam u k’al tun.
9 Ahaw 3 Wayeb u 6 katun u k’al tun; 7 Ahaw 3 K’an K’in 7 katun u k’al tun; 5 Ahaw 2 Sak u k’al tun u 7 katun Aj Wasam.
3 katun 11 baktun ?? ?? Ahawte pita Aj Ahaw Tz’ak. 0 k’in 0 winal 0 tun 12 katun tzutz ?? u 2 baktun 7 Ahaw 18 Sip utom u chok, Aj Wasam. 5 Ahaw 3 Ch’en … .
?? 5 Imix 18 K’an K’in he was seated in his lordship(?) ?? ??. Count forward 4 k’in(?) ?? 12 katun 13 baktun 2 piktun in lorship ?? Chaak Chi Pu Ahaw ?? was born. 12 Xul he is named ?? ?? ?? and in Max he set things in order.
7 Kawak 5 K’ayab Great Mat House(?) was dedicated, on his 15th “moon” Ahaw Pet set things in order, Haab Sak Chuwen set things in order; it was put in order. Count forward 19 tun and a banner stone was dedicated.
5 Akbal 11 Sotz , his name is Aj Wasam “5 house in stone”. Count forward 7 k’in 10 winal at Great Mat House(?) Max Mountain, Whole Waters Lord dies ?? is his name.
On 1 Ahaw, God 6 Nal, named Aj Wasam set the banner stone. 9 Ahaw 3 Wayeb his 6th katun he set the banner stone. 7 Ahaw 3 K’an K’in, 7 katun he sets the banner stone. 5 Ahaw 2 Sak, he binds the stone, his 7th katun Aj Wasam.
Count forward 3 katun 11 baktun, child of Lady ?? ?? ?? Aj Ahaw Tz’ak “rotated tree lord”(?). Count forward 0 k’in 0 winal 0 tun 12 katun, thus ends ?? his 2nd baktun; on 7 Ahaw 18 Sip it will happen: Aj Wasam will scatter his blood. On 5 Ahaw 3 Ch’en … .
7 Kawak 5 K’ayab pat tun yax ? nah, u 15 “moon” tz’ak bul Ahaw Pet u tz’ak bul Haab Sak Chuwen; u tz’akaj.
19 tun pat tun 5 Akbal 11 Sotz u kabij Aj Wasam 5 na otot ta tun. 7 k’in 10 winal Yax ? Nah max witz u cham Naab Tz’ak Ch’an ?? u kab 1 Ahaw K’uhul 6 Nal, kab Aj Wasam u k’al tun.
9 Ahaw 3 Wayeb u 6 katun u k’al tun; 7 Ahaw 3 K’an K’in 7 katun u k’al tun; 5 Ahaw 2 Sak u k’al tun u 7 katun Aj Wasam.
3 katun 11 baktun ?? ?? Ahawte pita Aj Ahaw Tz’ak. 0 k’in 0 winal 0 tun 12 katun tzutz ?? u 2 baktun 7 Ahaw 18 Sip utom u chok, Aj Wasam. 5 Ahaw 3 Ch’en … .
?? 5 Imix 18 K’an K’in he was seated in his lordship(?) ?? ??. Count forward 4 k’in(?) ?? 12 katun 13 baktun 2 piktun in lorship ?? Chaak Chi Pu Ahaw ?? was born. 12 Xul he is named ?? ?? ?? and in Max he set things in order.
7 Kawak 5 K’ayab Great Mat House(?) was dedicated, on his 15th “moon” Ahaw Pet set things in order, Haab Sak Chuwen set things in order; it was put in order. Count forward 19 tun and a banner stone was dedicated.
5 Akbal 11 Sotz , his name is Aj Wasam “5 house in stone”. Count forward 7 k’in 10 winal at Great Mat House(?) Max Mountain, Whole Waters Lord dies ?? is his name.
On 1 Ahaw, God 6 Nal, named Aj Wasam set the banner stone. 9 Ahaw 3 Wayeb his 6th katun he set the banner stone. 7 Ahaw 3 K’an K’in, 7 katun he sets the banner stone. 5 Ahaw 2 Sak, he binds the stone, his 7th katun Aj Wasam.
Count forward 3 katun 11 baktun, child of Lady ?? ?? ?? Aj Ahaw Tz’ak “rotated tree lord”(?). Count forward 0 k’in 0 winal 0 tun 12 katun, thus ends ?? his 2nd baktun; on 7 Ahaw 18 Sip it will happen: Aj Wasam will scatter his blood. On 5 Ahaw 3 Ch’en … .
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